Welcome to “Week 8” of Introduction to Theological Research and Writing! The lecture for Week 8 will continue the topic of biblical exegesis as research.
This week’s assignments:
This is the last week the mid-term paper may be submitted with no late penalty.
Also, start working on your next assignment, the stage 1 exegesis paper. Rather than just a polished, finished product, the exegesis paper is a working paper of your time spent examining God’s Word. Remember that there is a sample exegesis paper under the materials tab for Week 7. Use it as a guide for the headings and formatting to use in your paper. The headings note where you should consult a commentary or study Bible.
This assignment is called a stage 1 exegesis paper because your use of sources, other than the Bible, will be minimal. Use your own judgement for every section, except those noted in the headings of the sample paper as “resources allowed.” Then, use a commentary or study Bible. Later in seminary, when you take an exegesis class, you will write a stage 2 exegesis paper, in which you will consult commentaries more heavily and translate the passages yourself. However, for this class, the exegesis paper is only a minor paper (10% of your grade). Your stage 1 exegesis paper should be 4-8 pages in Times New Roman, 12-point font. The page range is broad because some biblical passages have a lot of textual information and others do not. I hope you enjoy this project!
Please email, if you have questions.
Best wishes,
Dr. Pat Sanders