PT5521 Week 9

Welcome to “Week 9” of Introduction to Theological Research and Writing. In Week 9 we will continue the topic of biblical exegesis as research.

This week’s assignments:

  1. If needed, participate in a Q&A session with your professor regarding the exegesis paper.
  2. Submit the exegesis paper.
  3. Participate in a 5% research project this week or next.

This week you can schedule a Q&A session with me, if needed, regarding the exegesis paper. There is no lecture. If you do not need the Q&A session, feel free to use the time on your exegesis paper or to finish any required reading to date. Also, you may always email any questions you have.

Also, this week or next, please send me your preliminary thoughts on your final research paper regarding:

  1. How are you going to narrow your broad topic, so that it will be manageable for a class paper?
  2. What is your research problem (an issue or gap in the secondary sources) or opportunity to extend the research of another scholar? Notice that this has to be stated in relation to a scholar who has come before.
  3. What is your research question? (Think about your problem/opportunity, and ask something like: I wonder how, why, etc.)
  4. What is your hypothesis? In other words, what is your informed opinion from your reading on what the answer to your research question will be?
  5. What is your methodology? Ask yourself, what data will be needed, and how will you process it?

Then, I will send you feedback, particularly to make sure you are situating your research in conversation with secondary sources before you begin writing the final research paper. This email exchange will count as your 5% research exercise.

Please email, if you have questions.

Best wishes,

Dr. Pat Sanders