PT5521 Week 5

Welcome to “Week 5” of Introduction to Theological Research and Writing! The lecture and reading for Week 5 will introduce the topics of synthesis, analysis, and outlines.

This week’s assignments:

  1. Watch the lecture for week 5. Please do not make copies of lecture recordings.
  2. Read Vyhmeister chaps. 17-18, 21.
  3. Submit the academic journal article citations exercise using part 2 of the citations template under the materials tab. Annotate 2 entries. Please download a copy of this document and do not update it in the LMS directly.
  4. Submit a book critique on the book required for your research topic. (Note: If you chose Backgrounds of Early Christianity or The Hermeneutical Spiral, the review should cover only the indicated excerpt, not the entire book.)

For the journal articles citations exercise, update the template provided under the materials tab for Part 2 of the assignment. Add reference numbers for the footnotes in the “Sample Paragraph” and then add corresponding footnotes for the journal articles on that same page. On the last page, add bibliography entries for the journal articles. Annotate two bibliography entries. Submit Part 2 of the citations exercise as a Word document with Times New Roman, 12-point font.  

Also, submit the three-page book review associated with your research topic this week. You have a template for the book review under the materials tab. Some notes on this assignment:

  1. Use Times New Roman, 12-point font and do not exceed three pages.
  2. On the title page, use a title like: A Review of A Little Book for New Theologians. Notice that I italicized only the title of the book, but not “A Review of,” since your paper is not a book.
    1. If the title exceeds 48 characters, split it into multiple lines in the shape of an inverted pyramid.
    2. Make sure the number of blank lines after the title and the number of blank lines after the name of the course are equal.
    3. Make sure the number of blank lines before the title and after the date are equal by using 1” margins and placing the title on the first line and the date on the last line.
    4. Use the center section after your professor’s name for adjusting the spacing.
  3. Use parenthetical references with page numbers, instead of footnotes, to refer to your book. Use footnotes for other sources, such as websites for the author’s information.
  4. Since you are using the bibliographic entry as the heading for your book review, you do not have to include a bibliography page at the end.
  5. Spacing around headings is important. Use two blank lines before headings, except at the top of a page, and one blank line after headings.
  6. Remember to use third person in all of your academic writing. The only exception is the use of first person in the analysis section of your book review.

Please email, if you have any questions.

Best wishes,

Dr. Pat Sanders